
The Loser Game

Learn How to Fail Well

Normally, those who win at games do so because they know how to triumph, succeed and outwit others. This is a game with a difference: those who win it are great at losing; they know all about frustration and difficulty and how, optimally, to respond to it. This game invites us to answer questions about the challenges we’ve faced (in love, work, etc.) – and rewards players for speaking with particular frankness and good humour about their lives. In a world often obsessed with success, The Loser Game gently suggests that losing isn’t some freakish anomaly, it’s an inevitable part of being human.

The cards cover five categories:

- Self

- Relationships

- Work

- Body & Mind

- Morality

Questions cover topics such as:

- How have you blamed someone for an issue that was, if you’re truly honest, largely your fault?

- A novel is written about your love life: what should it be called?

- What important moves do you keep delaying in relation to your career?

- Name a surprising, basic and embarrassing gap in your knowledge.

- What three rude words would you apply to your character?

Contains adult content. 106 Cards | 70mm x 70mm x 70mm | Minimum 3 Players | Instruction card included