
This beautiful and unique tea is not only 100% Australian but is 100% wild harvested by Indigenous Australians from The Kimberley in Western Australia.

Jilungin Bush Tea has a herbal and earthy taste and has long been used for its calming and relaxation benefits. Bruno Dann, Traditional Owner and Aboriginal Elder, says that this tea is known to put you to sleep... a long deep sleep.

To experience the true magic, not only are the leaves picked, but the bark and stems too.

Together, it is an experience of the whole plant. Once picked, everything is dried in large bags in the bush. It is as a true traditional wild tea.

Purchases of this product provides a direct contribution back to the community allowing them to engage in traditional foraging activities, go out on country, and employ more people.

How to use: Crush a small serving - just enough to fill a small tea strainer if serving for one - cover with boiled water and allow to sit for 3 - 5 minutes.

Servings: As the leaves can be used up to 3 times, there is up to 30 servings in this bag.

Size: 35g

Net Ingredients: Jilungin

Information provided is based on the traditional uses and properties given and shared with us by Traditional Owners. It is provided as eductional purposes only and is not intended as medical advice. If you have any serious health concerns, you should always check with your health care practitioner before self-administering Australian bush plants and herbs.