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A tool to decide whether your relationship has a future.

The decision whether we should stay or leave a tricky relationship is among the most challenging any of us has to make. It is difficult principally because every relationship, even a highly workable one, is at many points somewhat tricky.

So we must assess whether our difficulties are worth enduring or are an obstacle that we should and must - when we feel brave - sidestep. Is our relationship essentially normal in its frustrations, or is it beset by unusually pathological patterns that should impel us to get out as soon as we can? Are we in danger of compromising too much? Or too little?

This box contains a set of reflections and questions to help us clarify some of the core issues we should work through before quitting or committing. It reminds us that the answers we need are within us already, waiting for the correct tool to extract them.

How to play

Work through the deck of cards answering all the questions.

On answering the questions, create two distinct piles: Stay and Leave.

Assess your answers for whether - on balance - they belong more in the Leave or Stay pile.

Go with your gut.

When you have worked through the cards, count up how many are in each category and refer to the instruction sheet for guidance on what you should do.

At The School of Life, we believe you can only ever make good enough, not perfect, choices. We are drawn to Kierkegaard's darkly humorous remark:

'You will regret whatever you choose.'

52 game cards | 89mm x 126mm | Instruction card included